Marthe Synøve Lorås Berg (1981) has studies in film production and film science from NTNU, ancient and recent history and economic history at NTNU (Norway University of Technology and Science).
What inspires her more than anything in movie-making and painting is humans, as she is an unbinding optimist and philanthropist (human – lover). Sometimes nature speaks to her, and she will try to translate and recreate its stories and add them on paper or carton. So far, she has used pastel and pencil in the process, but strongly inspired by tapestry weaver Hannah Ryggen. She is currently planning to invent a weaving technique using some painting tool instead of thread and loom. This is to enhance the timing between the information in an idea and the output, and thus make the final painting to have as much as possible in common with its primary idea.
”Untitled”. 42x30 cm Pastel painting with silver frame.
Pris 3150.- kr.
”Sunrise at Angellwalk”. 70x100 cm Pastel painting with silver frame.
Pris: NOK 6300.-